Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Teacher Thank You Notes: Do or Don't?

Happy New Year!

It has been quite a while since I have made a post, almost a year in fact. Things have been somewhat of a whirlwind during that time. To be honest, I am also still trying to find my online voice...figuring out what I really want this blog to be about. I have, however, found a topic I would like to write about for my own clarity...teachers sending thank you notes to children and/or families for gifts.

As an educator in the early childhood field I receive many gifts during the holidays from the children and their families. Some of the gifts are personal and some are generalized, but all are certainly appreciated. Over the Christmas break I have debated whether or it is appropriate to send thank you notes for these gifts or not. I have gone back and forth in my mind whether I should or whether I shouldn't.

Sending a thank you note is something that many people fail to do these days, but I think teacher gifts are a unique area. Many of the cards I have received with the gifts usually have some kind of thank you message written in them so I have viewed these gifts from the children and their families as a thank you gift in itself. I feel awkward sending a thank you note in return for a thank you gift. I was also told over the break that it may come off as rude to send thank you notes for generalized gifts as it puts the gift giver in an uncomfortable situation of having to trying harder the next time around.

Would anyone care to weigh in to help me decide?

~Miss Kapua

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